Home Help

Sulata File Manager

Free, lightweight file manager in PHP,
ideal for installation on VPS machines

Below are answers to frequently asked questions but if you cannot find your answer below, send an email to sulatafm@sulata.com.pk

What are the default login credentials?

Login ID: admin
Password: admin123

How do I change the default credentials?

Go to 'filemanager/includes/login.php' file and change to whatever you want.

What if I want to hide a directory from showing in the filemanager?

you will need to edit the 'filemanager/includes/config.php' file and add the directory name to the array named $exclude.

How do I log in?

How do I upload a file?

How do I copy/paste a file?

How do I copy/paste a folder?

How do I delete a file?

How do I delete multiple files?

How do I create a file?

How do I create a folder?

How do I rename a file/folder?

How do I change file/folder permission?

How do I edit a file?

How do I download a file?

How do I zip a file/folder?

How do I unzip a file/folder?